Advanced Obstetrics and Birthing Simulator
Comprehensive maternal body set for skills training in labor and delivery
A combination of modules offers a variety of skills training
Realistic reproduction of the birth canal allows for pelvic examination
in accordance with the progress of the delivery.
The ability to perform various techniques (McRoberts position, Woods
screw method, etc.) in fetal malposition and shoulder dystocia makes
it is ideal for a variety of workshops and training courses.
Training skills / Applications:
- Delivery
- Pelvic examination
- Normal delivery
- Delivery of placenta and umbilical cord
- Reproduction and handling of shoulder dystocia and fetal malposition
- Vacuum extraction
- Forceps delivery
- Breech delivery
- Delivery of the placenta
- Treatment of the fetus
- Umbilical cord entanglement
- Umbilical cord clamping and cutting
- Palpation of the anterior/posterior fontanels
- Suctioning procedures through mouth and nose
Options (to be released)
- By combining the modules listed to the right, a variety of exercises
can be conducted.
Set includes:
- 1 maternal body
- 1 skin cover
- 2 clamps
- 1 fetus
- 1 placenta
- 1 umbilical cord
- 3 umbilical cords for omphalotomy
- 5 velamen sheets
- 1 lubricant
- 1 bottle of lubricant
- 1 talcum powder
- 1 towel
- 1 Instruction manual
Size (approx.):
W52 x D50 x H35cm
Weight (approx.):