The Newborn Anne is a manikin designed for skills training in neonatal resuscitation. With anatomical accuracy and product features designed to focus on the critical resuscitation skills required in the first ten minutes of a newborns life, Newborn Anne meets the key components of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program and most other neonatal clinical training curricula.
Airway Features
Positioning the newborn to simulate opening the airway via head tilt, chin lift or jaw thrust
Positive Pressure Ventilation (BVM, T-Piece resuscitator, or anesthesia bag)
ET tube intubation
LMA insertion
Orogastric tube insertion
Stomach distension (when ET is misplaced)
Suctioning (of the nares, nasopharynx, oropharynx, esophagus and the lungs via an ET tube) - Fluids should not be introduced into the airway
Meconium module for suction removal
Breathing features
Bilateral and unilateral (with mainstem intubation) chest rise and fall with mechanical ventilation
Pneumothorax - Needle thoracentesis left mid axillary (pneumothorax)
Cardiac features
Manual chest compression at appropriate depth (1/3 AP) and force
Circulation Features
Manual umbilical pulse
Vascular Access
Umbilical Vein/ Artery access via patent umbilicus
IO access in left and right lower leg, tibial tuberosity and medial malleolus
Other Features
Full articulation