Basic Casualty Simulation Kit
The most economical way to get started in simulated injuries. Reusable wounds and refillable accessories let you practice bandaging and
splinting techniques repeatedly.
1 compound fracture tibia, complete with reservoir and pump assembled (#6761)
1 bottle coagulant makeup blood (#226)
1 pkg. powder to make 1 gal. simulated blood (#225)
12 assorted stick-on lacerations and open fracture wounds (#219, 1 doz.)
1 casualty simulation wax (#223)
1 pkg. broken Plexiglas® for simulating glass embedded wound (#230)
1 ea. grease paint colors: white (#220), blue (#222), brown (#221) and red (#218)
1 body adhesive for stick-on wounds (#PP2159)
1 atomizer mist sprayer (#839)
3 spatulas (reorder #835, Pk. of 6)
3 tongue depressors (reorder #842, pk. of 100)
1 pkg. of methyl cellulose for blood thickening (#228)
Size: 14" x 9" x 6". Ship weight 5 lbs.